We'd have an army consisting of rock-solid meat grinder infantry supported by monstrous infantry, actual giant monsters and downright brutal spellcasting.

Of the three we of course already have the Stunties and the Greenies, leaving Lizardmen, and golly fucking gosh am I looking forward to that. I'd say my three favorite factions in the setting are Dwarfs, Greenskins and Lizardmen. I haven't played the tabletop game in a decade, but I still always kept up with the stories and it's probably my favorite fantasy setting. I've been a fan of Warhammer Fantasy for a long time. So, seeing as how by the time TW:W finishes it's "trilogy" of sorts we will have pretty much every faction from Warhammer Fantasy, I thought I'd explain my most anticipated factions and why, as well as open up the floor for others to hype up their favorites as well. I know there are a million "favorite faction/what faction do you hope for/future faction prediction" threads on here, but I haven't seen a thread where people discuss why (mechanically speaking) they are looking forward to seeing a specific faction so much.